About Me

Visual Artist based in Newcastle Australia
Born and bred in Newcastle, I am inspired by the local relaxed beach lifestyle. My photographs combine an observed realism with a touch of quirkiness. I like finding the humour or the prettiness in an ordinary scene. People, architecture and nature have always fascinated me, so I'm always combining either of these into my art. I am no way a technical photographer, but I do know how to compose and create a photograph that I love. Because I can no longer paint, I combine my love of painting into my photographs.
In 2016, I was confronted with almost losing my life, and in consequence, as part of my rehab, I picked up my camera again to keep me company on my walks. Photography now, is very much a part of who I am now, it has become my escape.
​Art has always been a big part of my life, studying Fine Arts, co-founded a business representing Australian artisans, and organising local artisan events. I am passionate about sharing my creative visions and supporting emerging artists. Currently I am part of a two great creative photography collectives - The Pictorial List and Spectaculum Magazine.  Being part of creative communities keeps me inspired and learning, and my day to day life is documented on my Instagram feed @candid_mel
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